Manor of Castlerigg, Derwentwater and St John's

Documents Listed in  the Manorial Documents Register of The National Archives

86 items are listed  (earliest first)   of these -
71 are in the Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library Whitehaven
6  are in The National Archives at Kew
5  are in Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle Headquarters
1  is in Keswick Museum and Art Gallery
The remaining three items are of minor interest and are listed as being in private hands (enquire at Whitehaven)

Only eight items pre-date the attainder and execution of the third Earl of Derwentwater (1716)
5 of these 8 are at The National Archives 
2 of the 8 are at Carlisle - schedule of customary practices 1606, Tenantright Agreement 1624
1 is at Keswick -
Court Roll of 1683-1694, with Thornthwaite and Alston Moor (modern transcript by A.W.Rumney) (After 1890)

In the parish of St John's, Castlerigg, and Wythburn, Cumberland
 Also known as    Keswick (Manor).   86 sub-record(s) noted:

Scope    estreats for Armboth (parcel of manor), with Wythburn 1572-1573
Repository    The National Archives
Record Reference    ADM 74/2/1
Scope    court rolls 1584-1595
Repository    The National Archives
Record Reference    ADM 74/2/2-4
Scope    court papers and estreats 1596-1731
Repository    The National Archives
Record Reference    ADM 74/2/5-65
Scope    deed and schedule rel to customary practices (in bound vol of deeds and papers) 1606
Repository    Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle Headquarters
Record Reference    SNWA 3/10
Scope    receipts for descent fines 1623-1772
Repository    The National Archives
Record Reference    QAB 1/13/41
Scope    tenantright agreement 1624
Repository    Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle Headquarters
Record Reference    DX 191/1
Scope    court rolls, wih Alston Moor and Thornthwaite 1694-1710
Repository    The National Archives
Record Reference    ADM 74/1/17
Scope    court papers 1739-1768
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/9
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court book of presentments and verdicts, with Thornthwaite (copy) 1739-1780
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court book of dimissions and general fines, with admittances and will extracts 1739-1855
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/5
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to disputed rights, between Greenwich Hospital and Lord Egremont, with other manors 1740-1828 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle Headquarters
Record Reference    Walton of Alston D/Wal 30
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23836
Scope    general fine assessment, with Thornthwaite 1761
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/71
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers 1767-1804
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/10/3
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    description of tenures and customs, with Thornthwaite 1770-1785 (circa)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/66/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    book of presentments (copies) for tenants' use, incl lists of tenants 1774-1833
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/8
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    call book 1775
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/10/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court book of presentments and verdicts, with Thornthwaite 1780-1813
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    call books (5) 1792-1820 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/66/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    call books (5) 1792-1820 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/66/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers, incl court of survey and dimissions 1805-1824
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/11
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court book of presentments and verdicts, with Thornthwaite 1814-1877
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/3
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    notice of intention to perambulate boundary 1824
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/161/3
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    boundary riding (copy, in court book) 1824
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/6
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    suit roll of freeholders, indenture tenants and customary tenants 1830
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/67
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers 1832-1837
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/12/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers incl precepts, fines assessments, admittances (draft), and will extracts 1835-1852
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/108
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    letter to jurymen from lord rel to copy of court book 1836
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/12/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers (draft) 1838
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/13
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    verdicts, incl appointment of officers 1838-1865
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/18/5
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    stray papers rel to riding of boundary (with other papers) 1840-1843
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/189
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    legal papers rel to boundary disputes with Legburthwaite, Matterdale and Threlkeld (2 sets) 1840-1844
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/406/2-3
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to boundary perambulation 1840-1904 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/114
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    vouchers rel to riding of manor boundary 1840
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/103
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    admittances (draft), with verdicts and correspondence 1842-1846
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/111/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    correspondence rel to manorial customs (3) (draft) 1843
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/104
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    steward's certificates rel to manorial customs (2) 1843-1851
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/106
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    enrolments (draft) 1843-1851
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/107
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    stray correspondence rel to enrolment and holding of court (2) 1848-1849
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/105
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    correspondence rel to holding court 1850
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/111/3
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    verdict 1850
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/14
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to mines, minerals and royalties (8 sets) 1850-1888 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/322-326
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    stray manorial correspondence (2 sets) 1851-1857
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/109-110
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers (draft) 1853
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/15
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    presentments 1853
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/16
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    accounts of rents received (draft) 1853-1861
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/18/4
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    lists of tenants (2) (list of 1876 updated to 1892) 1854-1892 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/68
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    list of tenants 1854-1855
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/18/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    steward's notice to bailiff to hold court 1854
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/18/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    plan, incl field numbers and customary properties 1855
Repository    Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle Headquarters
Record Reference    Clark, Scott and Harden, Estate Agents of Lowther DB 74/P/22
Scope    court book of fines, admittances and copy will extracts 1856-1913
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/6
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    stray letter rel to holding of court 1856
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/17
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to proposed enfranchisements 1857-1858
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/111/4
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers incl draft enrolments and details of oath 1859-1870
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/19
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    precept to hold court, with admittance (draft) 1861-1862
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/111/5
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    verdict 1864
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/214/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    stray papers rel to boundary (with other papers) 1866-1868
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/212
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to mineral leases, St John's 1867-1868
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/398
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to fishing, rivers and lakes, with other manors (c.65 sets) 1868-1950 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Collection held privately: enquiries to Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Egremont (formerly Leconfield) Estate D/Lec/SL/79-80
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 12202 Wyndham
Scope    enfranchisement papers and correspondence (17 sets) 1868-1924 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/82-98
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers, mainly draft enrolments, will extracts, and papers rel to rents, fines and customary property (c.40 files) 1871-1920
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/20-60
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to mineral leases (2 sets) 1874-1887 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/390-391
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    lord's rent account (in file with other records) 1875
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/22
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court book of presentments and verdicts 1877-1924
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/4
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    legal papers rel to removal of gravel 1878-1909
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/409
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    list of tenants (in file with other records) 1878
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/25
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    papers rel to sand, gravel and mine 1878-1879
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/112
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    adjudication of 1844 rel to boundary with Legburthwaite (copy) 1878
Repository    Cumbria Record Office, Carlisle Headquarters
Record Reference    SNWA 3/12
Scope    deeds and awards of enfranchisement of copyhold land (1) 1885
Repository    The National Archives
Record Reference    MAF 9/45
Scope    list of customary tenants (in file with other records) 1886
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/29
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court roll of 1683-1694, with Thornthwaite and Alston Moor (modern transcript by A.W.Rumney) 1890 (after)
Repository    Keswick Museum and Art Gallery
Record Reference    KESMG Acc. 2195
Scope    list of tenants, incl memorandum of fines, updated to 1904 (indexed) 1891-1904 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/69
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    lists of tenants (5) (draft) 1895
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/41/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    stray papers, incl list of free rents 1895-1935 (non-consecutive)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/117
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    plan, with enfranchised land 1903
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 1/92
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    counsel's opinion rel to Lord Leconfield's rights on Lake Derwentwater 1903
Repository    Collection held privately: enquiries to Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Egremont (formerly Leconfield) Estate D/Lec 293/76
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 12202 Wyndham
Scope    list of tenants (draft) 1904
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/35/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    correpondence rel to customary tenants in Keswick 1904
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/116/1
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    list of tenants on court rolls, incl list of free rents (updated to 1914) 1905-1914
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/70
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    plan of manor, incl customary tenure (tracing from 1855 map) 1906
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 1/41
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    account of lord's rents 1909 (after)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/115
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    correpondence rel to lord's rents, enfranchisement and customary property 1912-1913
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/116/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court book of fines and admittances, incl plans, copy wills, proclaimation and oaths 1914-1925
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/7
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    plan, with enfranchised land and shooting rights 1914 (circa)
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 1/94
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    general fine receipt book 1914-1915
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/72
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    court papers (5 sets) (some draft) 1920-1923
Repository    Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Waugh and Musgrave, solicitors of Cockermouth D/WM 11/61-65
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 23770
Scope    solicitors' papers rel to turf cutting on Catbells 1930
Repository    Collection held privately: enquiries to Cumbria Record Office and Local Studies Library, Whitehaven
Record Reference    Egremont (formerly Leconfield) Estate D/Lec/SL/63/2
NRA catalogue reference    NRA 12202 Wyndham

Where reference is made to an NRA number, a catalogue is filed in the National Register of Archives and you can consult it at The National Archives.